Is there a guarantee that I will find someone? We do guarantee you will be happy with the ad and it will be posted in all of the agreed upon places for 180 days. If you are not happy with the ad, please reach out so we can modify it. While we can not guarantee the number and quality of applicants we will connect you with potential applicants that are looking in your general location. 

How long should it take? The time it takes depends on a number of factors. The number one being who is looking in YOUR area. Do you live in a big city or remote town? There is a reason we do 6 month packages. If you find someone that fits the bill quickly, that is awesome. Understand it can take some time and we are doing everything we can on our end to get maximum exposure. You will receive a link to your ad and you are welcome to share it wherever you like in addition to where it is already.

How many applicants can I expect? Again, this varies on location and what you are offering. What makes your office different? What benefits and perks do you offer? Generally, offices in larger cities will have more applicants than those in smaller cities.

Can I pause and reinstate my ad anytime before the six months’ end? Our team invests time and resources to make sure your ad receives maximum exposure. You may have found someone quickly and still want to see if they are a good fit or you decided to pause for a moment. It’s important to understand that it takes extra time and expense for our team to pause all postings and repost them. You could also miss out on potential candidates since your ad will still expire within six months of the original start of the package.

Where do you advertise? Depends on package purchased: ChirosConnect website And facebook page for all packages. Other social media sites and relevant, industry specific places depending on your package.

Are you a recruiting service? We are an advertising service. We aim to be the place doctors go to post ads and the first place associates go to look for stellar positions. We will directly connect associates that have reached out with doctors that are in our data base.

Do you also post ads for staff or upcoming seminars/conventions? Short answer is NO. We do not have sponsors or partners. We do have limited opportunity on our Free Advice Fridays for promotion. Must provide useful tips before promoting event. If this interests you, please reach out at [email protected]

Are you a coach? No. We are happy to help and advise if you have questions as we have many years of experience, currently practicing and have spoken to hundreds of doctors. Feel free to shoot us an email at [email protected] or book a 15 minute call at www.calendly.com/ChirosConnect

Why ChirosConnect? We are personalized to you. Each ad is written individually and there is no “template” for your ad. You are unique and your ad will be as well! We use video as a way for applicants to get to know you and your personality.

If you have more questions, feel free to contact us directly! [email protected]